Stunning VIP 777-9 Cabin Concept from Lufthansa Technik

Earlier today, Lufthansa Technik, a subsidiary of the Lufthansa Group that provides aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul services, teased a new VIP cabin concept for the Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) version of the soon-to-be-released 777-9 at the European Business Aviation Convention in Geneva. It looks stunning.

a couch in a room

Lufthansa Technik made it clear who they anticipate will buy this jet, advertising the new design as featuring “traditional elements of Middle Eastern cultural heritage with a modern twist.”

a room with a bar and a couch

The most interesting feature of the concept is the section at the front of the plane, comprising a bedroom that is “extendable,” though Lufthansa Technik didn’t explain exactly what that means. A generously-sized office and reception area separate this private zone from the rest of the cabin areas.

a bar in a room with a shelf and shelves of food

The cabin design also offers a spacious majlis, an Arabic term for a sitting room, while the rear section is specifically tailored to transport delegations, meeting the needs of official missions. 

a room with a table with laptops and chairs

Lufthansa Technik also boasted a “special light and window shade concept has been implemented throughout the cabin,” though were once again short on details about what that means. I’m guessing–and don’t hold me to this–it has something to do with the irregular shapes covering the windows in the rendering below.

a room with a table and chairs

More details about the interior will be released later this year, which I’ll be eagerly anticipating. Though I’ll almost certainly never get to fly in one, I love over-the-top luxurious private planes, and this is just about the prettiest I’ve ever seen.

  1. Lufthansa Technik is not Lufthansa. They have the same parent company, but the airline has roughly nil to do with Technik’s operations, other than buying services from them. Conflating them like this in the headline and post is not good.

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