For as long as I can remember, I’ve been obsessed with all things air travel. I was privileged enough to indulge this obsession by having two British parents and growing up traveling between Minnesota and London. Despite being packed into economy class sandwiched between three younger siblings, I loved every moment.
When I finally saved up enough to buy my very own laptop, I lived vicariously through the travel bloggers I followed. I read up on the minutiae of air travel and was probably one of a few 12-year-olds able to recite the pitch and width of every economy, business, and first class seat on every major US airline.
As I got older, I was introduced to the world of miles and points and, as soon as I went off to college, began accumulating them. I flew whenever I could, arranging my course schedule such that I could travel from Chicago to New York in the morning and be back in time for evening classes.
After graduating, I began working in finance on the East Coast and sadly no longer had time for frequent travel. Luckily, that wasn’t long-lived, and I left 18 months later to start my own software company in San Francisco. That meant having the freedom to work wherever and whenever I wanted, opening a new and exciting world of travel opportunities.
I started this blog somewhat selfishly: to chronicle some of those travels. I want to document the time I went to Iraq for a weekend, or when I flew to Sudan to visit my Sudanese Uber driver who took me to SFO before a trip to Japan. Less selfishly, I also want to pay it forward; I’ve read so many inspiring miles and points blogs and the advice I’ve received has changed the course of my life. It’s not just that I’ve been able to travel in luxury for a fraction of the cost, it’s that I’ve been given a lifelong passion, a reason to wake up excited (almost) every morning.
I’m so grateful to the bloggers who helped me do all that. I hope this blog helps others do the same.